Spring Cleaning! Download New Specifications, Design Details and Performance Data Sheet!

Spring Cleaning! Download New Specifications, Design Details and Performance Data Sheet!

It's April, so it's the perfect time for some spring cleaning! Time to clean out those dusty pervious concrete specifications and design details you have laying around, and replace them with something new and fresh. We have released new updates on all the favorites!

Visit our Resources Section and you can download the latest the industry has to offer

  • Specifications 

  • Typical Design details

  • Performance Data Sheet 

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Caltrans Pervious Concrete Workshop

Caltrans Pervious Concrete Workshop

Over the several years BAPC's David Liguori has worked with Caltrans to update their pervious concrete design guidelines and specifications. Recently, he and the California Nevada Cement Association were asked by Caltrans District 4 to provide a pervious concrete workshop for their material, pavement, stormwater, and highway engineers.

The three hour workshop provided 28 Caltrans engineers with the latest developments in pervious concrete system design, specifications, and best management practices. Afterwards attendees were bursting with ideas and projects where pervious concrete would help solve their stormwater design issues. They expressed how grateful they were that our presentation was technical, detail-oriented and highly educational, not just a fluffy sales-pitch.

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Green Infrastructure Tour - California Academy of Sciences

Green Infrastructure Tour - California Academy of Sciences

The second in our series of green infrastructure tours. This time Sonja O'Claire joined the ASCE SF Chapter's Sustainability Committee on a tour of the California Academy of Sciences ("The Academy"). Known as the "greenest musuem in the world," The Academy is an exhibit in-and-of itself for all things related to sustainable design. Tour attendees went behind-the-scenes to learn about the unique design elements The Academy employs to lower its impact on its environment. 

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You're Invited to the Holloway St Walking Tour - Nov 2nd

You're Invited to the Holloway St Walking Tour - Nov 2nd

Need a good reason to get out of the office? Want to learn more about green infrastructure and pervious concrete? Join the ASCE Sustainability Committee on November 2nd, 12:00-1:30pm, for a guided walking tour of the Holloway Green Street project, led by Mike Adamow of SFPUC. Register on Eventbrite.

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Residents Wowed By Pervious Concrete on San Francisco's Holloway Green Street

Residents Wowed By Pervious Concrete on San Francisco's Holloway Green Street

Recently the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) and project stakeholders celebrated the completion of the Holloway Green Street at its ribbon cutting ceremony. David Liguori, Bay Area Pervious Concrete's President, joined the celebration and even was invited to hold the ribbon for cutting. Watch videos of the ceremony and pervious concrete demonstration and be wowed along with the rest of the attendees.

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Ribbon Cutting Party on Holloway St Project with Pervious Concrete Demonstrations

Ribbon Cutting Party on Holloway St Project with Pervious Concrete Demonstrations

We are delighted to share that the Holloway Green Street construction phase has completed and we’d like you to come celebrate! SFPUC is throwing a ribbon cutting and block party this Friday, the 18th! They will be performing demonstrations of the permeable pavement and rain gardens so you can see how it works managing stormwater onsite. We look forward to seeing you there!

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Heavy Fog and Wind, No Problem! Installing Pervious Concrete on a Mountain Top

Heavy Fog and Wind, No Problem! Installing Pervious Concrete on a Mountain Top

Most of the time in Northern California we enjoy fairly mild weather and sunshine, but it's not always sunny in the Golden State. The San Francisco bay area is known for its fog. This can provide some unique installation conditions, especially when you are installing pervious concrete on the top of the highest peak of the Santa Cruz Mountains, Mount Umunhum.

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Tamien Park - Community Driven Design with Stormwater in Mind

Tamien Park - Community Driven Design with Stormwater in Mind

Tamien Park is the newest park in San Jose, one that the community has been waiting years for. Since 2009 residents have spent countless hours in city meetings to help bring this family-friendly park to their community. Designed to meet the needs of the family-oriented community the 3.5 acre park features a playground, picnic areas, basketball courts, multi-use fields, and eventually an exercise station, Tai Chi area, community stage area and jogging path. Along with all those amenities, Tamien park was also designed to manage all of its stormwater on site - 90% of the park's 3.5 acres are permeable!

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Green Infrastructure Tour - UC Berkeley

Green Infrastructure Tour - UC Berkeley

A summary of the green infrastructure tour of the University of California Berkeley (UCB) campus hosted by the ASCE SF Chapter's Sustainability Committee. The tour covered a variety of stormwater best management practices, including rain gardens, pervious concrete, and greywater systems. The tour even got to check in on the Melvin Calvin Lab pervious concrete walkway Bay Area Pervious Concrete installed back in 2013.

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Holloway Green Street - Pervious Concrete Installation

Holloway Green Street - Pervious Concrete Installation

We have finally begun to install the pervious concrete on the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) Holloway Green Street Project! The project involves eight blocks of new streetscape along Holloway Street. The green street improvements include both permeable pavement and rain gardens to manage stormwater through local infiltration. One of the reasons this is such an exciting project is it's the first use of pervious concrete in a public right-of-way in San Francisco. 

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Elk Grove uses Pervious Concrete in a Round-About Way

Elk Grove uses Pervious Concrete in a Round-About Way

To improve traffic flow at a busy intersection in Elk Grove, the City turned a four way intersection into a round-about. But it's not just any round-about, the new intersection also included features to enhance pedestrian safety and pleasure. Among those features is the new pervious concrete pedestrian and bike path that encircles the round-about. See more by watching the virtual fly-over video.

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Runoff as a Resource in Santa Cruz County - Pervious Concrete Technical Training

Runoff as a Resource in Santa Cruz County - Pervious Concrete Technical Training

Wouldn't it be nice to make better use of all the rain we have received this winter, by restoring our groundwater and aquifers, rather then just sending it to the bay or ocean? On Thursday, March 23rd, you can learn how to utilize your stormwater as a resource, rather than it being a nuisance, using Best Management Practices like, pervious concrete and dry wells.

Our partners at the Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County are hosting a free half day stormwater workshop, in which Bay Area Pervious Concrete will be providing an educational presentation and site tour. BAPC will explain how to design with pervious concrete using LATIS (Large Area Thin Infiltration System) and the latest specifications, to maximize stormwater capture while reducing project cost, and how to maintain it. Afterwards attendees will be able to take a short tour of two different pervious concrete installations, allowing for a comparison examination in order to see how much the design and specifications affect the outcome and long term maintenance.

The workshop is free, but space is limited - Register Here

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Affordable Housing with Pervious Concrete is a Win for Developers and Tenants

Affordable Housing with Pervious Concrete is a Win for Developers and Tenants

Affordable housing doesn't have to mean your project is stuck with old conventional materials to save cost. The Met Apartment buildings in San Jose, CA are part of a newly constructed community development project by Charities Housing that will be adding 100 affordable housing units to the city. Built to the City's Green Building Guidelines the project showcases a variety of sustainability features. One of these features is the pervious concrete drive lane that will serve as the entrance into the buildings' shared parking garage. This drive lane is anticipated to be a high volume area for residents coming and going from the complex.

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Staying Up-To-Date with Pervious Concrete Design

Staying Up-To-Date with Pervious Concrete Design

What makes a good pervious concrete specification? This article explains how keeping your specifications up-to-date will allow you to promote good practices, have better performance, and protect you should there be any problems. 

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Presentation Series: Planning with Pervious Concrete

Want to learn why pervious concrete is the most cost effective stormwater BMP? Bay Area Pervious Concrete's David Liguori will be providing a series of informational presentations in February and March. By attending the following events you will learn how a pervious concrete stormwater system can simplify your site designs, decrease project costs, while complying with municipal stormwater regulations. 

Bay Area Pervious Concrete

Planning with Pervious Concrete

February 3rd, 11:45am-1:00pm
APWA-Sacramento Chapter Luncheon
Dante Club, 2330 Fair Oaks Boulevard, Sacramento , CA , 95825

Pervious concrete stormwater management systems, which operate according to a principle known as LATIS, or Large Area Thin Infiltration Systems, are considerably more effective and less costly than other BMPs when designed appropriately. A 180° departure from conventional design, LATIS requires a major re-think. This presentation illustrates this new design approach and walks participants through the building of a system model to reduce overall project costs, while complying with regulations. Register here.

PERVIOUS CONCRETE 2.0: Beyond the Basics

March 8th, 11:45am-1:00pm
East Bay Municipal Engineers Lunch Meeting
Legends at Diablo Creek, 4050 Port Chicago Hwy, Concord, CA 94520

Have you attended the introductory presentation and feel like you know enough to be dangerous? Take it to the next level and join us while we dive deeper into the details of designing and specifying a Pervious Concrete water management system based on LATIS ( Large Area Thin Infiltration System). We will go through the latest specifications released in the fall of 2016, take apart several designs, study various details, cover base and subgrade prep as well as the finer aspects of infiltration.

 This presentation will give you what you need to put pen to paper and supercharge, by simplifying, your site design. Register here


Can’t make it to one of these events? Have your organization’s lunch and learn coordinator contact us to schedule a presentation at your office.

Pervious Concrete Provides Both Modern and Classic Curb Appeal

Pervious Concrete Provides Both Modern and Classic Curb Appeal

Have you considered using pervious concrete on your project, then wished it came in a more appealing color or texture? At Bay Area Pervious Concrete it does! We have developed a wide array of finish options to choose from. Finish options can even be combined to create a truly customized look that will complement your chic, modern design, or something classic and timeless. 

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Want to Improve your Low-Impact Development Projects? Take This Tour.

Want to Improve your Low-Impact Development Projects? Take This Tour.

Santa Cruz County is providing a tour of five of its recent low-impact development projects. At each stop on the tour you will be able to gain insights from the project managers, engineers, architects and contractors that worked on the projects. In addition, the tour features Bay Area Pervious Concrete's installation at Heart of Soquel Park. David Liguori will be at the Heart of Soquel Park tour stop to talk about the pervious concrete courtyard and parking lot we installed at the park in 2015. 

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