(‘View from the Hotel’ photo credit: Bob Banka)
Pervious in Paradise was a great conference. There were great presentations, solid attendance and wonderful networking! And every night, FIREWORKS!! Well, those might have been for the SeaWorld guests, who were adjacent to the conference site, but we enjoyed it nonetheless!
As we get materials and permission, we will be posting briefs on a few of the presentations. There were some fantastic new ideas, ongoing development of existing ideas and industry knowledge getting more refined. Highlights included
pervious concrete site and pavement design with Michael Hein P.E. and Chris Estes, ASLA,
notes from the Puget Sound with Andrew Marks P.E.,
some truly innovative applications of pervious concrete with Muhannad Suleiman, Ph.D.,
great modeling of voids and their implication with Narayanan Neithalath, Ph.D. P.E.
discussions of fibers and silica fume with John Kevern Ph.D. P.E. LEED AP
There were many good speakers, and solid content throughout. More soon, and we are already looking forward to the next conference! Did you go? What did you think? Your comments are always appreciated!