
Commercial Lot Gets a Pervious Makeover

Commercial Lot Gets a Pervious Makeover

Running out of room at their current location, the South San Francisco Scavenger Company recently purchased a large property to store their debris boxes and garbage bins. The 66,000 square foot yard, however, was a combination of dirt and gravel, and not at all suitable for their needs. The initial plan was to pave the yard with asphalt, until the City informed them they could not do anything that would increase the quantity of stormwater-runoff from the property.

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Pervious Parking Stalls in Aptos

Parking stalls never looked so good! Here you can see, courtesy of Google maps, the top down look at parking stalls for this large apartment complex in Soquel, California. Below, you can see up close, pervious parking stalls with marking paint. While we don’t encourage AC pavement draining onto adjacent pervious concrete as a design concept, this went in well, and will be in service for a long time. Find more photos below!